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Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania szablonu.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> matchDTO.awayTeamLogo  [in template "2048152#2048180#2066682" at line 54, column 126]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${matchDTO.awayTeamLogo.fileEntryId}  [in template "2048152#2048180#2066682" at line 54, column 124]
2	liveScoreURLBuilder = serviceLocator.findService("com.neutrica.smotai.clubs.commons.util.URLBuilder") 
3	friendlyURL = "" 
5<#setting locale = locale> 
7<div class="filters container"> 
8	<#if tabNames?size gt 1> 
9		<#if tabNames?has_content> 
10			<#list tabNames as tabName> 
11				<#assign activeClass=""> 
12				<#if tabName?index == selectedTabNumber> 
13					<#assign activeClass= "active"> 
14				</#if> 
15				<#assign renderURL = portletURLFactory.create(renderRequest, themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId(), themeDisplay.getPlid(), "RENDER_PHASE")> 
16				${renderURL.setParameter("selectedTabNumber", tabName?index?c)} 
17				<a class="filter ${activeClass}" href="${renderURL}">${tabName}</a> 
18			</#list> 
19		</#if> 
20	</#if> 
22<div class="timetable-container container expanded"> 
23	<div class="timetable-scroll-area2"> 
24		<#list entries as fixturesListWebDTOS> 
25			<#if fixturesListWebDTOS.matchList?has_content> 
26				<div class="timetable"> 
27					<div class="timetable-title timetable-item"> 
28						${fixturesListWebDTOS.getGroup(locale)} 
29					</div> 
30					<#list fixturesListWebDTOS.matchList as matchDTO> 
31						<#if matchDTO.highlighted> 
32							<#assign highlightedClassName = "highlighted" /> 
33						<#else> 
34							<#assign highlightedClassName = "" /> 
35						</#if> 
36						<div class="timetable-item ${highlightedClassName}"> 
37							<div class="match-details"> 
38								<div class="team"> 
39									<span>${matchDTO.homeTeamName}</span> 
40									<img class="team-logo home-logo" data-fileentryid="${matchDTO.homeTeamLogo.fileEntryId}" 
41										src="${matchDTO.homeTeamLogo.url}" alt="${matchDTO.homeTeamName}"> 
42								</div> 
43								<#if matchDTO.finished && matchDTO.result?has_content> 
44									<#assign 
45										splitResult = matchDTO.result?split(":") 
46										resultLeft = splitResult[0] 
47										resultRight = splitResult[1] 
48									/> 
49									<div class="result-wrapper">${resultLeft} - ${resultRight}</div> 
50								<#else> 
51									<div class="result-wrapper">vs</div> 
52								</#if> 
53								<div class="team"> 
54									<img class="team-logo away-logo" data-fileentryid="${matchDTO.awayTeamLogo.fileEntryId}" 
55										src="${matchDTO.awayTeamLogo.url}" 
56										alt="${matchDTO.awayTeamName}"> 
57									<span>${matchDTO.awayTeamName}</span> 
58								</div> 
59								<div class="timetable-item-date"> 
60									<span>${matchDTO.date?string["EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"]}</span> 
61								</div> 
62							</div> 
63						</div> 
64					</#list> 
65				</div> 
66			</#if> 
67		</#list> 
68	</div> 
69	<!--<button class="timetable-expand js-timetable-expand">Rozwiń terminarz <i class="icon icon-chevron-down"></i></button>--> 
71	<script> 
72		function initTimetableExpand() { 
73			let expandEl = document.querySelector('.js-timetable-expand'); 
74			expandEl.addEventListener('click', e => { 
75				expandEl.parentElement.classList.add('expanded'); 
76				expandEl.remove(); 
77			}); 
79		initTimetableExpand(); 
80	</script> 
83.timetable-container::after { 
84	content: none; 
85	}</style>